Thursday, July 7, 2016

Catchup AGAIN!

It is starting to become evident to me that this whole blogging twice a week thing is going to be harder than I thought. :/ To be fair however this was a holiday weekend, and I was very busy, so I cut myself some slack.

Saturday was a pretty lazy day for me at the start. I spent most of the day working on one of Mike's "amazing" project. However at the end of the day, we went up to my Aunt's lake cottage for some good food and fireworks. I did have a photo of one of many plates of food, but it got deleted mysteriously. I do still have a photo of the sunset, so food for your eyes and not your stomach.

Sunday was much busier. My (half) sister who lives hours away came to visit with two of my nieces. Sadly however the older of the two got sick on the way up, so most of their time up here was spent waiting for a doctor. When they finally saw a doctor she had some contagious disease. This meant she couldn't see us. However, the baby did get to make an appearance. I was happy to see her because I hadn't met her in real life yet and wanted to before I left. We ended the day by launch some fireworks off after they had left of course (didn't want to scare the baby).

Monday slowed down a bit, but not much. For lunch, I went back up to my Aunt's house for another party. This time, we had ribs among other things. After that, my dad and I went to practice parallel parking. (I need to work on this considering the time span left until my tentative departure date.) When were done with that we moved on to assembling my dad's new and bulky Milwaukee Toolbox. It was a heavy job for weak and skinny me, but we got it done.

That's all that I need to catch up on.... Adjo!!!

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