After packing our bags into Leif's car, the Rotarian in charge of the camp, we headed to MAX for lunch, MAX is an excellent Swedish burger joint. I however, had already eaten a sandwich on the train, so I decided to try their specialty fries. They were decent by specialty fry standards but have nothing on the burgers there. I would compare the quality to Culver.
Afterwards, we took a stroll into the shopping center of town for the first time to see what we could do and to wait on the other students to arrive because we did not all take the same transport. We ended up finding plenty to entertain ourselves for the time we spent there. We, of course being exchange students, took lots of photos, so I will let them do most of the talking for how we spent the day. Another thing to not is as you will see there are lots of dragons in the photos this is because Sundvall's animal is a dragon and the city is supposed to be protected by one. Another thing worth mentioning is this was when I had a spontaneous best friendship happen with one of the other students, Alica, from Belgium.
Eventually, all the students arrived, and we were carpooled back by multiple Rotarians to the hotel where we would be staying. Once there, we were settled into our rooms and spent our first dinner together as a group and family.
Language lessons would not start until the next day, so we all decided to go exploring. On the trip, we had loads of fun and found many interesting things. I, for example, found this very strange car and caught a couple of frogs. (Yes I know very Hoosier) Something else that was quite strange for us was that there were slugs EVERYWHERE! Most of the girls did not appreciate this very much because they found the slugs revolting. Eventually, we all went to bed because we knew Swedish lessons in the morning would be hard.