Monday, August 15, 2016

Meeting The Oldies (Aug 4)

On the Friday before language camp (4th of August) I finally got to meet some of the oldies who have been here for 6 months already. Of course as every exchange adventure nothing went to plan. The original plan was to meet Merida and Niamh at Stockholm Central Station at 11:00. This wasn't a big deal I left my house at 10:00 so I could meet them at 11:00. Unbeknownst to me along my trip to central their train got delayed and wouldn't arrive until 12:30. At this point, I still didn't have a cellphone, so I didn't know this. Once the clock in central in the station reached 12:25 I started back to the subway so I could go home because I figured something had gone wrong. (Perfect timing I know right!) When I got home I found out what happened and I headed back to central so we could meet up still. This ended up being a great decision because I had so much fun with the two of them. The agenda included going to an art museum, my first time at MAX (the Swedish fast food burger place), exploring old town among other things.

I ended up not getting home until 12:30a.m. the next day and I thought I was going to be in big trouble, but when I got home my host dad didn't seem phased at all. Then I remembered that it is part of Swedish culture for kids to have lots of freedom and be able to stay out late. Still I goy my own punishment because I had not packed for language camp which my train left for that morning and I had to leave the house by 7:00a.m.

1 comment:

  1. Es muy necesario para escribir con correciones. Tiene problemas con la grámatica y la construcción de las oraciones. De su compañeros de los Estados Unidos y su maestro, Y Notre Dame es un mal equipo.
