Saturday, August 13, 2016

Mall Of Scandinavia/ Seeing More of Stockholm than Planned

My Very Tasty Indian Lunch
The day after that I went to the Mall of Scandinavia with host brother and dad for lunch. We ate at an Indian restaurant that was very good. Afterwards, my host dad and brother left to go home. I decided to stay so I could explore the Mall of Scandinavia. I end up finding some interesting things like an "American" clothing store. The store sold clothes you could buy in the U.S. at Goodwill at very inflated prices. Like a tee shirt would be $50. I'm guessing from the prices and the clothes that the store is a popular hipster clothing store. I also snapped a couple of photos of the fountain piece in the Mall and found one of the three areas for soccer here in Stockholm.

"American" Clothes Store
Centerpiece fountain of the mall
When I decided to go home was when the trouble started. I had come home from the mall before with host brother and thought I could make it back by myself. I was wrong and right at the same time. I was able to make it back, but it took longer than expected. The started off hard enough because I didn't have a map or phone to look one up. I THOUGHT I had remembered the right, but that was the not the case. I ended up on the wrong train when the bus stopped. I then had to spend the next hour trying how to get back to my house. Eventually, I figured it out, but not before all the "information" people told me all different ways to get back. I eventually decided on MY original route which consisted of taking a train from the station I was at to the suburb of Spånga. Once there I took a train to Vällingby. From Vällingby I thought I took the right bus, but once again that was not the case. I ended up having to get off the bus when it turned at ICA when I needed to go straight. At this point, I decided I was just going to walk the rest of the way and walked around about mile home. 

Soccer Area

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