Friday, August 12, 2016

Lack of Posts

I'm sorry to anyone who has been checking my blog every day for the lack of content. I thought I had posts automatically setup to post, but for some reason they did not. I have been at language camp for the past week, and there has not been enough time to write any posts today I head home at 17:52 and arrive at like 21:00 back in Stockholm. I will try to make up for lost post tomorrow, but no promises because I have a very busy schedule that includes, but is not limited to: host sister's going away party, taking host sister to airport, moving families, touring my school, and starting school.

Hopefully, this won't be my last for very long adjo Gavin.

1 comment:

  1. All this on Saturday?!? WOW! You are going to be one busy boy! Hopefully you will have the opportunity to rest up on Sunday so you can go next week.
