Sunday, July 24, 2016

Things Happen Fast and at the Strangest Times

This last Friday I got my wisdom teeth out early in the morning. Well upon returning home I wasn't in the best state. My face and mouth were swollen, I was drugged up, and could barely be described as coherent. For the whole week up to this point, I had been checking my email diligently waiting for my approval paper saying I could travel to Sweden to get my visa. It still hadn't come, and I was starting to grow concerned. That changed very quickly. Apparently, government agencies just know how to call you at the worst possible times. It must be their mediocre superpowers. Well, they certainly used it because as soon as my mom rolled into the garage, my sister came running out with the phone and said the embassy was on the phone and wanted to talk to ME! Luckily my mom was to the rescue and saw to what the embassy needed. Apparently, my insurance form had been misplaced, and they needed a new one. If we could provide it to them quickly, I could have a visa decision within the hour.

Well about an hour and a half later I got an email saying I was approved for travel to Sweden. I then typed out an email as fast as I could with my drugged up state to the travel agency saying I had the form and forwarded it to them. They proceed to book flights for me and I had an itinerary with two hours that was approved. I will be flying out of my first airport early Wednesday morning and will arrive in Stockholm at 6:50 a.m. (Swedish Time) tentatively. Very tragically, according to an oldie (Australian exchange students who go January to January and have been in the country for six months already. Hence the have oldie), I will be arrive one day too late. One day too late for what you may ask. One day too late to miss the ending of Stockholm straight pride. Yes, that's not a typo STRAIGHT PRIDE, not gay pride.

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